The Sanctuary

This Membership is an entry into the Sanctuary, the holy of holies.

It implies a deep unwinding, from the way you have been, your mindset and all attachments. The membership is an incredibly powerful field that invites you into your sacredly sexual inner temple of worship.

This portal is in service to the regeneration of this mysterious and mystical inner dwelling place - the sanctuary within. 

Alongside the feminine love force and diving masculine power of consciousness, I serve the frequency of Sanctuary, she tells me how long she needs to do her work and the time it takes for the commitment into the new way of being.

I am in service to the slow feminine opening and she cannot be rushed, forced or produced. I am in service to the integrity of masculine inspired action and this requires the time it takes for new habits to take root and flourish.

For this reason, 3 months is the minimum commitment to work with us inside the Sanctuary at this time. 

We work with:
Flavors of Tao and Tantra
Somatic deep dives + journeys
Initiations from the Toltec Shamans, dreamers & seers
Transmissions from the master plant elders and earth wisdom keepers
Tastes of the Akashic Records and the light keys of the Pleiadian lineage
Presence of Yin, Yang and the Traditional Chinese Medicine path 
Orgasmic frequency council, guidance and mentorship
Breathwork warriorship, self healership & mastery 

Your Commitment:
$222 a month for a minimum of 3 months
We meet live every other Tuesday for group ceremony, coaching and healing
Calls are recorded and uploaded
You are held and supported with teachings, transmissions and guided practices through the online portal
Invitation into telegram group for communication, support & celebration

My Commitment:
I show up with what is true through my lived experience.

So that we can all live better and rise together.  

Are you ready have your panties absolutely wrecked and unleash your ravenous erotic appetite for life?

Close your eyes, take a breath, count to three and feel your way.


There are two ways to join the Sanctaury at this time

Join  The Membership 

Fully Held VIP: Access to the ongoing library and intimate coaching calls with me 2x month. Includes telegram support & celebration between calls.

Living Library: Interacting with the ongoing Library as a self led journey. If you are interested in engaging with the field through the library only, click here to begin

If you want to be fully held and guided for a 3 month + journey, continue below.


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